I love searching for the perfect quote to match the silly photo. Here are two pages I posted today, and a few of my favorites that I have done in the past.
I have no idea where I was in this photo (looks like a jail cell) or why I have that look on my face!

Farzad, my husband, provides me with lots of fodder for my silly book!

My nephew, from a couple of years ago.

My other nephew--this picture was taken about 14 years ago, and is funnier in real-life because I edited out a particular body part.

My brother-in-law...

My sister (I made this page a while ago, before I started doing 8 x 8 pages)...
My mom (she's kind of camera shy, so I don't have too many pictures of her)...

Ed, my mom's husband--the goofiest of anyone in our family...

And last, but not least, my Gram...

Debbie thanks for leaving a comment on my blog. I like yours too. I love all those wacky pages.....so much cun!
snort. omg. i LOVE your silly book. i'm gonna have to look for some, this is too good to pass up. bwahahahahaha!
These are all soooo much fun Debbi and this is a great idea for a book. I could fill a few books like this with my family!
PS I tagged you on my blog!
LOL, what a fun family you have! Your pages are so bright and colorful and give me a laugh. Love your choices of quotes,where do you find them or do you save favorite ones as you go along?
I love the quote! "wrinkled is not what I wanted to be when I grew up"
Those are so classic!
ROFLMBO! Debbi, I nearly spit my gum out from laughing so hard. Just glad I wasn't drinking anything. ;) Those pages are awesome. Perfect quotes for those funny shots. tfs!
I think I'm going have to follow suit and create an album like this LOL I love the quotes you used!
OMG OMG! I looooove these pages. I am laughing so hard,they're hilarious and you're SO talented!
I love, love, LOVED these layouts. I love the quotes, the design and the photos. You're such an inspiration!!!
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