Friday, May 20, 2011

A Soft and Dreamy Palette with a Touch of Drama

Challenge 193 went live at Color Combos Galore last night. I got to make the inspiration board again. I was in love with this picture, and it made for a fun Designer's Challenge--to tell a story. Sometimes we get all caught up in the "eye candy" when we're making layouts, so I thought it would be fun to challenge the design team and CCG players to tell a story on their page. Here's the Inspiration Board:

And here's the page I made. I put the beginning of my journaling on the front and told the rest of the story on the back. As I was digging through my stash to find the right pink, I came across BasicGrey's Sugared collection, and the green was in there too! I tend to hoard my BasicGrey papers, so I was pleased to use some this week.

I used this sketch from Once Upon a Sketch, a challenge blog run by one of my design teammates, Nadia Cannizzo, as inspiration for my page design:

Journaling on the back reads: I fell in love with the ring when I saw it at the antique market in Adamstown, Pennsylvania. We were saving money to buy a new refrigerator, but Farzad said I should get the ring because I loved it so much. (Who needs a refrigerator, anyway?) The ring was a gold hand holding a ruby. The ruby was a very light red, almost pink, and it had a big flaw in the bottom, but I didn't care. This ring was so unique and beautiful to me. I was completely enchanted.

I had the ring for a couple of years and wore it daily, until one day I discovered the ruby had fallen out. We searched and searched for that little gem, but it had disappeared. And so my gold ring sat on my dresser with its empty prongs mocking me. One night, at least a month after the ruby had disappeared, Farzad woke up out of a dead sleep, went downstairs, and found it buried in the carpet. So uncanny and so, so wonderful that he has this strange ability to find things. I truly think he's psychic. We had the stone put back into the ring, and there it has stayed ever since.

Here are a few detail photos... The cool dimensional butterflies are by Pink Paislee. My layout didn't originally have those butterflies. I have recently learned that it helps to let a layout sit overnight and then look at it the next day with fresh eyes. My layout looked fine the day before, but when I picked it up the next day to photograph it, I realized that it was just too plain, and I searched for something to add some interest.

I also added the word stickers the next day. That puffy "treasure" sticker is by K&Co. I love that border punch--it's by EK Success.

I punched some of the designs from one of the BasicGrey papers and adhered them with pop dots.

The jouraling spot is from The Graphics Fairy. The black puffy letters are actually sparkly--doesn't show up that way in the picture. They're American Crafts Thickers, and I got them in a "value pack" at Home Goods--there were four packs of Thickers for like five bucks.

I used pink rhinestones on the centers of the circles, and at the last minute, I added one to the ring in the photo.

The design team did a beautiful job, as always, so you should pop over and see what they made with this challenge! And I do hope you'll play along. So fun to tell stories...

Thank you so much for visiting my blog and reading about my page!


Heather Jacob said...

OMG Debbi !!!!!! this is outstanding and exceptional .... I adore all of it.... S.T.U.N.N.I.N.G. ..... lovin' all your details .... hugz from Heather xo

Jasmine S said...

Debbi this is just absolutely gorgeous. The pic of you is just beautiful and the ring looks awesome. I love the story behind the ring and well, all the details, just fabulous.

Pam said...

I LOVE your layout! That is great advice to let your page sit out overnight to see if your perspective changes. I especially love how you highlighted your ring to correspond with the story. Whew! So glad hubby found your ring! What a gem! (Pardon the pun.)

Nadia Cannizzo said...

Hi Debbi! How are you? WHen I saw this at the reveal on Friday I knew it was my sketch LOL! You DID such as awesome job of sticking to it I recognised it right away! Well done.

You look so pretty in the photo. I also love the b&w and red on the ring contrast! Great job. I love the story behind it..it was awesome reading it. THANKS so much for playing along with us at Once upon A..Sketch.

Is school almost out? We are right in the middle of our school year here!

Eila Sandberg said...

Hello Debbi! Really echoing the previous ladies, your page is absolutely gorgeous!! love the story and how fantastic that Farzad found the stone, must be a sign from above! Alway, always love every single detail of you pages and especially so this one. The photo of yourself has Hollywood quality, you are sooo pretty in it! love your pointy chin and those beautiful eyes of yours! xoxo

Unknown said...

Oh wow!!! This is just beautiful!!! I have a little trouble scrapping myself - thanx for the inspiration :0)

Unknown said...

What a fabulous layout! Love your take on the sketch! Thank you for taking the time to participate in our challenge! ~Gerry~

Lynette Jacobs said...

Gorgeous layout my friend. What a stunning story about the ruby and how wonderful that you found it again.

Tracee said...

Love this Deb what a little stunner you are. I love this paper but it has sat for quite a while in my stash makes me want to get it out again and use it! Great page. Tx

Murphy's Law said...

What a beautiful pix of you and the layout is just stunning. So glad your man found your gem!!! I wish mine could've done that when I lost my diamond from my engagement ring. Love the journaling. Your stashis looooooking gooood!!

BabyBokChoy said...

Such a beautiful layout, I have always adored that particular line by Basic Grey, Ihave some left yet, lol. And what a wonderful story. I just love your story telling ability, everything is a must-read!!! Glad you got your ruby back :)

sandi said...

Hey Debbi, Love this! It's great that you got your ring back. That pic of yours looks fab! :)

Irini said...

Such a gorgeous layout...love the details and the story of the ring and your psychic husband!!!.....
Thanks for playing along at Once Upon A..Sketch.

Irma said...

Yay!!!! Debbi...so glad you joined us. This is a fab page!

Rossella said...

Che bella storia! Io adoro gli oggetti incantati, quelli che ti chiamano mentre cammini e vogliono che tu diventi la loro padrona! :) Bellissima pagina complimenti e grazie per aver giocato con noi su Once Upon A Sketch!

FiKenward said...

Hey Deb, love your take on the weeks colours the BG worked beautifully. Love the use of the cutous and the way you incorporated your jouranalling. Beautiful work as always.

Meadow of the sky said...

I just love it!!!

Unknown said...

Wow what a great story, I am so happy he found the ruby! and I love the bling you put in it to emphasize it, beautiful work!

Ella Swan said...

This is one of my favourites of yours - so pretty!

Bente Fagerberg said...

So cool that you used the OUAS sketch!! Yeaaay..I love the page and was really touched by your story. I think he must have special abilities...So happy you found the gem!

Natalie Elphinstone said...

A ring instead of a refrigerator? Now that's a good story!! And a beautiful layout too :-)


The story seems like it is straight out of a Bollywood movie from India...Unbelievable but True! Love the page and the beautiful memories that inspired it.

fairyrocks said...

I love this story,there is nothing better than a happy ending!!
Great LO too

Sarah-R said...

This is a beautiful LO - great details!

LG said...

Beautiful work! Love all the details and placement. Thanks for joining us!

Anonymous said...

Really beautiful, so soft and pretty, thanks for joining in with QUAS. Carole xx

scrapwordsmom said...

This page is beautiful. I just happened to stop by Graphics Fairy and this caught my eye!! What a lovely blog.


Trudi Harrison said...

Debbi!! - Absolutely Beautiful take on the sketch - Just adore the soft colours . Thanks for playing along with us at OUAS

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