Tuesday, August 2, 2022

SnapShot | Bramble Fox

Today I'm sharing a super fun layout I made for Bramble Fox using several bright, fun products from the shop. Please note that I scrap 8 x 8, so the products look a bit larger on my layouts.

Whenever I sit down to scrap and I'm stuck and just staring at a blank page, I'll often use a sketch as a starting point, and I recently created a sketch for Paper Issues 31 days of Sketches in July, so I decided I'd use my own sketch.

The SnapShot pack, which includes two titles and two camera embellishments, was perfect for this fun photo of my friend's son on his first Crazy Hair Day at school. I traced it on white paper and glued it together to make the title stand out from my busy background. The big open space in the O was perfect for adding a brad. I used distress ink and a blending brush with one of my favorite stencils, Fox Cut #29, to create some excitement in the background. Outlining the stenciled image gave it some extra impact.

I'm in love with the Speech Bubbles. There are 8 in the pack in a variety of shapes and sizes and sayings, so you'll have plenty for several layouts. I used the Sweet Rush collection by Vicki Boutin, which is a great complement for the colors of the Perspextives I used. The sketch is perfect for using the tear-off strips, and I also used die-cuts from the collection. I used a fine-tip pen to outline the die-cuts for added definition and a fun comic book feel.

Here's a shot of one of the cameras that came in the SnapShot pack. Again I backed it with white to stand out against the busy background, and the lens was the perfect spot for adding another brad. The black words and phrases are from Paper Snips 001, You guys, these Paper Snips are awesome and have so many versatile sayings--I think there I counted 68 phrases and tabs on this sheet, so I'll have plenty for many, many more layouts!

I adhered most of my elements with pop dots to give my layout some added dimension. I love the little speech bubble with the heart, from the Speech Bubbles pack---you know I always add at least one heart to the layouts I give away. The plus signs are from the Triangles pack, which come with a bunch of triangles and plus signs (or x's if you like).

Here's a little tip that I've learned over the years. I try to wait until the next day to decide my layout is done before I photograph it. I always spot something I can add. In the case of this layout, I added those orange and yellow enamel dots, outlining them with a fine-tipped pen to make them really stand out. And since the sun hadn't yet come out, I had one more look at my layout before I photographed it and decided the bunting needed some enamel dots too. It was the perfect finishing touch. 

I had lots of fun creating this layout. If you made it this far, I'd love for you to drop a quick note letting me know that you still read my blog so that I know I'm not just talking to myself!



Karen said...

I love the colors in this layout and now I know what to do with some lemon/lime slices I have roaming around somewhere in my stash.

Ingrid M said...

Grreat blog you have here

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