I knew it was coming, but it totally took me by surprise. I didn't look at the date on the cover of the magazine, and as I was reading through it, I flipped the page, and there was my layout! I knew it was coming in what I thought was the February/March issue (for some reason I thought December and January were together), so it was a total suprise when I saw it. What a happy surprise!

Congratulations!! Cute page!
congrats debbie! love that page! happy holidays , hope you are enjoying your christmas break!
Huge Congrats Debbi! What a Wonderful Surprise :o)
total huge congrats debbi = a long time coming - you are so talented. woo hooo! what a way to start the new year.
Congratulations Debbi. You have the most wonderful pages. I so enjoy keeping up with your latest and greatest layouts. I knew it would only be a matter of time before we would see your layouts in the mags. You are so talented and such an inspiration.
It is a gorgeous layout!! CONGRATS!!!
Happy Holidays!!
I am not surprised in the least! Congrats to you and I hope you have a wonderful holiday season!!
that is so awesome!! Congrats Debbi! and Merry Xmas :)
Congratulations! I'm glad you posted the page, as I don't get SS any more. You do great work and are an inspiration to me and lots of others - the recognition is well deserved! Happy New Year :-)
Elisabeth in CH
Very cool! Congrats, Debbi! Now I need to go find a copy. :)
Happy new Year Debbi!
oh wow, what an awesome layout! congratulations girl! YAY!!!
Congratualtions, a little late, perhaps, but sincere, none the less. I believe every layout you share is deserving of publication. I look forward to seeing more.
Congrats, Debbi! That page is beautiful! What a fun surprise to just be flipping through and stumble across it.
Just wanted to say how excited I am to be designing with you again over at Sketch This! it's going to be fun!
congrats! it's beautifuL!
can't wait to work with you at sketch this!tara
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