At our Weight Watchers meeting last week, the topic was about trying to get more fruits and vegetables into our diet. I haven't had a big problem with veggies, but I find that I don't eat very much fruit. It's so much easier when I feel like a snack to grab one of those fiber bars or a Hostess 100-calorie pack. The "assignment" our WW leader gave us this week was to get different colors of fruit/veggies into our diets this week.
My friend and I go on these little grocery shopping adventures after the WW meeting, and we found the most unusual looking magenta fruit called dragonfruit. I also bought a guava, which I've never tried. When I was at Wegmans, I found these unusual brown tomatoes and some zucchini that were a pale green I had never seen before, and I bought them, too. So this week, I set 3 goals for myself:
1. To eat more fruit.
2. To drink more water (I don't tend to get thirsty, so I forget to drink water)
3. To exercise at least 3 times this week.
So far, I've met all three of my goals! Go, me!
Here's a layout I just made yesterday:

woo hoo!!! you go girl!!! i sneak frozen blueberries in the w/w yogurt and bananas in the smoothies. i'm just you lo!! i haven't made any and i didn't do before pix either - my bad.
Congratulations! 30.6 pounds is awesome--and really, not that slow for 5 months. But, take a cue from the tortoise in that childhood story and remember, slow and steady wins the race. It's more likely the weight will stay off by following a sensible eating program and making those lifestyle changes than through some crazy diet.
You are an inspiration on many fronts, including the weight loss, but also creatively--I LOVE your scrapbooking style and your life artistry. Thanks so much for sharing!
Congratulations to you! Meeting your goals is fantastic! I love this layout! It's fantastic!
I am so in love with your combinations of papers! What a great look you created and I love all of the words and the way you did them.
Way to go Debbi!
Beautiful LO, as always!
Congrats on your weight loss that is awesome! I love your layout too. I have never tried most of those things, and I consider myself pretty adventurous when it comes to food.
CONGRATULATIONS Debbi, that is wonderful, I love guava's like the ripped ones but the green one are delicious with a little salt.
never heard of dragonfruit
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